1 #include2 using namespace std; 3 const int len=10; 4 int find_array(int a[],int len,int key); 5 int full_array(int a[],int len); 6 int main() 7 { 8 int i_array[len]; 9 full_array(i_array,len);10 cout<<"input the element you want to find"< >key;13 num=find_array(i_array,len,key);14 if(num!=-1)15 {16 cout<<"successful find"< < >a[i];33 i++;34 }35 return 0;36 }37 38 int find_array(int a[],int len,int key)39 {40 int low=0,high=len-1,middle;41 while(low a[middle])50 {51 low=middle+1;52 }53 else54 {55 low=middle-1;56 }57 58 }59 return -1;60 }